Data Representation Codes

Data representation Codes

Data representation codes are used to represent data(number, text, image, video) in binary numbers for the computer.

Pure binary:
It is used to represent numbers in binary form. For example, 12 is represented as 1100.

BCD stands for Binary Coded Decimal. In BCD, 4 bits represent a decimal number. For example, 2 is represented as 0010. If a decimal number consists of more than 1 digit, each decimal digit is represented individually by its 4 bit binary equivalent. For example, 123 is represented as 0001 0010 0011.

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII defines a set of characters for encoding text documents on a computer. It used a 7 bit code and 7 bit ASCII can represent 27 = 128 characters. It ia the popular data representation code used by almost all computers at present.

EBCDIC stands For Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. It used a 8 bit code and it can represent 28 = 256 characters. It includes all ASCII characters, but also contain the character that are not supported in ASCII.

Unicode provides up to 4 bytes(32 bits) to represent a single character, number, or symbol. It solves the problems for most languages by expanding the number of available bits to 32 bits.